So, new resolution in order to get life back on track... well, one of many, is to write in this blog more regularly because I think it is kind of a cool record of things to have and occasionally I take photos that I don't really have a place for. So here they are, bits of life...

We've been going on afternoon excursions in drawing class with our excellent and quite hilarious teacher Mandy. Last week was Stockton, a suburb across the water from Newcastle connected by a giant bridge that looks like a dinosaur (the drive to get there takes twenty minutes) and a ferry (which takes two). It was windy and cold, but the sun was out, and I managed to find a spot sheltered by the wind next to the ferry terminal where I could watch the ships come in.

This is my little setup for painting. Beautiful sister Cas's watercolours that I use every day just about, colours mixed up for the sky, the water, the rocks and the grass. I painted an abstract. Will have to scan it in :)

Since Emerald Arts has closed I have been teaching Fi my watercolour student at various cafes and restaurants around town. This is the view from the back of Customs House one afternoon.

Emerald Arts all cleaned out with nothing left inside.

As I now live pretty much in just a bedroom, I have no room for... well anything much really. I stored what I could at Dad's old warehouse and left everything else out the front for people to take with a little note.

In photography class I have become fascinated with the effect that light can have through the lens of a camera, even one as average as that attached to my phone. Next step is to get a proper camera, but till then I will borrow Dad's and make do with this.

The picture below is a blurry hot mess, but still wierdly I kind of like it. I wasn't sure how my new striped top looked, so I took a shot of it in my flatmates mirror. Kind of liked the way it turned out, although I look a bit too skinny (lost weight due to illness unfortunately, working on getting it back) and my hair has changed now.

Things are ok lately. I like being by myself, when I get to be. I have been slowly adjusting to living with a flatmate (she's a lovely girl, I'm just missing having space and privacy and it is hard to manage a kitchen with a normal wheat eater). Tafe is going well, health is getting back on track and happiness is a daily occurrence not something vaguely remembered. Sometimes I miss having someone to hug and it sucks not having someone that I can confide in, but all in all, I am myself again.
Just started a job working for my father two days a week at Newcastle Yachting, I help with their admin and try to learn enough about the boats so i can help sell them. I'm going to be volunteering for a gallery/museum in town called The Lock Up. This, Tafe and teaching a class means that I will have half a day off a week generally, but I function better when I have a routine and I am excited about life again. It's a really good feeling.
Anyways, I have a bit of a sore throat and a big day tomorrow so I had better go to bed.
Love, Emmeline.